Saturday, September 17, 2011

Writing for a CHANGE.

God had been preparing me all along. I accepted my calling back in 2000. I'm called to 'teach' His Word. Once I received that calling, I've been fulfilling His plan for my life. Not long after I received my calling to teach, God instructed me to start writing Newsletters. So that's what I did. All I had was a computer, printer paper, and some envelopes. So I started writing. It didn't look professional at all. The envolopes were plain and the addresses were handwritten with a pen. I wrote what I felt that God was telling me. I did a lot of writing. However, I never got any responses. Whether it was helping people or not, I just kept writing. I was obeying God. I was doing what He instructed me to do.

"Obey God's message! Don't fool yourselves by just listening to it." ~ James 1:22 CEV

Then after some time went by, I finally started getting feedback. Writing is like exercising. The more you write, the better you get. I learned through my writing stages how to connect with people. You see, many people 'communicate', but very few actually 'connect'. The Newsletter helped me to really connect with people. I had no idea that God was preparing me to write a best-selling book, "Life in Righteousness". Nobody wants to buy a book to see how smart you are. People want to buy books that will make them smart. They buy books that show them how to be healthier, wealthier, and wiser. They buy books that will increase their relationship with God; with their spouse; with their children; with their job. People want to really experience 'change', so this is what they invest in.

"There is no secret formula. It is simply a good item for which there is a need, at the right price, offered to the right market."
~ Dan Poynter

What are you writing about? Does the information you provide improve the lives of others or do they just improve your reputation? Are you writing to build up character or to build up your resume? The answer determines if you'll have a best-seller.

Christian Writer,

Billie Miller

PS...I still write Newsletters to CONNECT with people. If you haven't already subscribed and would like to, visit

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